Plant native trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants to encourage invertebrates and provide cover.
Leave areas of long grass, and wilder undisturbed areas.
Provide shelter for daytime, breeding and hibernating.
Native trees and hedging provide foraging habitat and leaves for nesting material. Here are a few plants that support large numbers of invertebrates and are great for a hedgehog friendly garden:
hawthorn, birch, oak, goat willow, hazel
Herbaceous plants and grasses provide cover for hedgehogs and also support invertebrates such as beetles, caterpillars and slugs. Leaving some long grass and creating wilder areas will improve hedgehog foraging habitat.
Hedgehogs need shelter during the day, for breeding and for hibernation. Piles of logs and sticks or a ‘dead hedge’ in a quiet corner, with brambles growing over make an ideal spot. Hedgehogs may also take advantage of the space under a shed, and readily use wooden hedgehog houses.